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Deerfield Park District Awarded Urban Forestry Funding

The Deerfield Park District was awarded a $11,000 grant to complete a tree inventory and develop a management plan for its urban forest.

The funds were provided by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service through the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Urban and Community Forestry Grand Program and administered by The Morton Arboretum and the Chicago Region Trees Initiative (CRTI).

The grant provides the Park District with a better understanding of the urban forest area that we are managing by revealing the estimated number of trees, their size, condition, and species. The inventory will also identify opportunities to increase planting, and will inform the development of a comprehensive, long-term urban forest management plan. The inventory began in fall, 2023 and was completed in spring of 2024. During this time, all park trees were assessed.